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當前位置: 首頁 > 新聞資訊>常見問題濟南鐵藝護欄:鐵藝護欄的生產流程


來源:http://www.gitli.cn 日期:2024-05-10 發布人: 瀏覽次數:1


The production process of iron guardrails


The most effective and practical rust prevention method for iron guardrails is hot-dip galvanizing. A zinc iron alloy layer and a pure zinc layer are formed on the surface of the iron guardrail in the molten zinc liquid to isolate the opportunity for oxidation of the iron workpiece. The rust prevention period can last for more than 20-50 years, during which no maintenance is required. It is safe and reliable, and is the best rust prevention method for iron workpieces


The process flow of hot-dip galvanizing

  1、酸洗前檢查處理 檢查鐵藝工件是否具備本廠鍍鋅的工藝孔(排氣、出入鋅夜、吊掛),鐵藝工件表面的銹蝕程度,表面覆蓋物能否被鹽酸除去(如有油漆、油脂等應采用火燒、打磨、堿洗等法除去)。

1. Before pickling, check and treat whether the iron workpiece has the process holes for galvanizing in our factory (exhaust, entry and exit of zinc, hanging), the degree of rust on the surface of the iron workpiece, and whether the surface covering can be removed by hydrochloric acid (if there is paint, grease, etc., it should be removed by methods such as burning, polishing, and alkaline washing).

  2、脫脂(堿洗) 配有加熱設備,鐵藝工件表面的油脂、涂料等。

2. Degreasing (alkaline washing) is equipped with heating equipment to eliminate grease, coatings, etc. on the surface of iron workpieces.

  3、水洗 鐵藝工件表面的堿水及附著物。

3. Wash with water to remove alkaline water and attachments from the surface of iron workpieces.

  4、酸洗 除去鐵銹、氧化皮等其它表面覆蓋物

4. Pickling to remove rust, oxide skin, and other surface coverings

  5、酸洗后檢查處理: 酸洗效果是否理想,如酸洗不充分,再次酸洗,如果酸洗前處理不徹底,需重新處理后再次酸洗。


5. Post pickling inspection and treatment: Check if the pickling effect is ideal. If the pickling is not sufficient, rinse again. If the pre pickling treatment is not thorough, rinse again after reprocessing.

  6、水洗 除去鐵藝工件表面的酸水及其它附著物

6. Water washing to remove acid water and other attachments on the surface of iron workpieces

  7、上助鍍劑 再次清洗工件表面,保證表面在鍍鋅之前不在生銹。

7. Clean the surface of the workpiece again with the plating aid to ensure that the surface does not rust before galvanizing.

  8、烘干 提高鐵藝工件溫度,避免鐵藝表面水分過多,在鍍鋅時發生爆炸。

8. Drying increases the temperature of iron workpieces to avoid excessive moisture on the surface of the iron, which can cause explosions during galvanizing.

  9、熱浸鋅 工件浸泡于440℃-470℃熔融的鋅液中,達到一定時間后提出,鐵藝工件表面被獲得一層鋅鐵合金層和純鋅層鍍層。

9. The hot-dip zinc workpiece is immersed in a molten zinc solution at 440 ℃ -470 ℃, and after a certain period of time, a zinc iron alloy layer and a pure zinc layer coating are obtained on the surface of the ironwork workpiece.

  10、鈍化 提供工件表面抗大氣的腐蝕性能,減少或延長白銹出現的時間。

10. Passivation provides the surface of the workpiece with atmospheric corrosion resistance, reducing or prolonging the time for white rust to appear.

  11、冷卻 防止工件激冷回縮,產生集體組織開裂。

11. Cooling prevents the workpiece from being quenched and recoiled, resulting in collective tissue cracking.

  12、精整 鋅瘤及附著在鍍層表面的鋅灰

12. Fine cleaning of zinc nodules and zinc ash adhering to the surface of the coating

  13、檢驗 鍍層的檢驗和測定,工件的外觀檢查。

13. Inspection and measurement of coating, and visual inspection of workpieces.

本文內容來自:濟南鐵藝護欄, 如果您想了解更多關于本行業知識請認準:http://www.gitli.cn,歡迎您的到來!

The content of this article comes from Jinan Iron Art Guardrail. If you want to learn more about this industry, please read: http://www.gitli.cn Welcome to come!

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