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  • 聯系人:濟南燕翔鐵藝制品有限公司
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當前位置: 首頁 > 新聞資訊>行業動態濟南鐵藝護欄的介紹


來源:http://www.gitli.cn 日期:2024-10-14 發布人: 瀏覽次數:1


  Iron fence is a common type of fence found in residential areas, factories, universities, road traffic, and fence protection. It has a beautiful appearance, simple and elegant design, and strong protective performance. It plays an effective role in safety protection, isolation and blocking, and decorative aesthetics.3b697c8b-9388-467b-99d5-91a0dd1ae5ac


  Characteristics of wrought iron guardrails:


  1. Made of zinc alloy, it is not easy to rust.


  2. Through advanced technology of assembly line high-temperature baking paint, its paint surface is resistant to high temperature, sun exposure, rain, corrosion, and is not easy to peel off. It has a long service life and remains smooth and new after a period of use.


  3. The installation method is simple and fast, with two options: bulk and assembly. The column can be assembled quickly by adding expansion screws to the chassis column.


  Iron railings are made of high-quality hot-dip galvanized steel pipes as the base material, which prevent rusting from the inside out. The product is novel, beautiful, sturdy, durable, safe and environmentally friendly. It is easy and fast to install, does not require welding, and is easy to transport. It can be shipped as individual parts or assembled as a whole.

  本文由 濟南鐵藝護欄  友情奉獻.更多有關的知識請點擊    http://www.gitli.cn/ 真誠的態度.為您提供為的服務.更多有關的知識我們將會陸續向大家奉獻.敬請期待.

  This article is a friendly contribution from Jinan Iron Art Guardrail. For more related knowledge, please click http://www.gitli.cn/ Sincere attitude. We provide you with comprehensive services. We will gradually contribute more relevant knowledge to everyone. Please stay tuned

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